Download The Fever King Feverwake Book 1 Audible Audio Edition Victoria Lee Michael Crouch Brilliance Audio Books

By Christine Finch on Thursday, June 6, 2019

Download The Fever King Feverwake Book 1 Audible Audio Edition Victoria Lee Michael Crouch Brilliance Audio Books

Download As PDF : The Fever King Feverwake Book 1 Audible Audio Edition Victoria Lee Michael Crouch Brilliance Audio Books

Download PDF The Fever King Feverwake Book 1 Audible Audio Edition Victoria Lee Michael Crouch Brilliance Audio Books

In the former United States, sixteen-year-old Noam Álvaro wakes up in a hospital bed, the sole survivor of the viral magic that killed his family and made him a technopath. His ability to control technology attracts the attention of the minister of defense and thrusts him into the magical elite of the nation of Carolinia.

The son of undocumented immigrants, Noam has spent his life fighting for the rights of refugees fleeing magical outbreaks - refugees Carolinia routinely deports with vicious efficiency. Sensing a way to make change, Noam accepts the minister's offer to teach him the science behind his magic, secretly planning to use it against the government. But then he meets the minister's son - cruel, dangerous, and achingly beautiful - and the way forward becomes less clear.

Caught between his purpose and his heart, Noam must decide who he can trust and how far he's willing to go in pursuit of the greater good.

Download The Fever King Feverwake Book 1 Audible Audio Edition Victoria Lee Michael Crouch Brilliance Audio Books

"Note that this book is #1 in gay and lesbian fiction. If this is not your usual genre you might want to save your free book for something else."

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 13 hours and 31 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher Brilliance Audio
  • Release Date March 1, 2019
  • Whispersync for Voice Ready
  • Language English, English

Read The Fever King Feverwake Book 1 Audible Audio Edition Victoria Lee Michael Crouch Brilliance Audio Books

Tags : The Fever King Feverwake, Book 1 (Audible Audio Edition) Victoria Lee, Michael Crouch, Brilliance Audio Books, ,Victoria Lee, Michael Crouch, Brilliance Audio,The Fever King Feverwake, Book 1,Brilliance Audio,B07HYC2D4G

The Fever King Feverwake Book 1 Audible Audio Edition Victoria Lee Michael Crouch Brilliance Audio Books Reviews :

The Fever King Feverwake Book 1 Audible Audio Edition Victoria Lee Michael Crouch Brilliance Audio Books Reviews

  • Note that this book is #1 in gay and lesbian fiction. If this is not your usual genre you might want to save your free book for something else.
  • The Fever King is a dystopian science fantasy set in the future united states, a land ravaged by viral magic. While the premise is promising, there are a few glaring issues that kept me from continuing.
    This book is filled to the brim with leftist propoganda, from the pushing of the "horrible deportation of illegal immigrants" to outright parodying common hateful protests such as "impeach Trump". The problem isn't that these ideas are in the book, it's that they're pushed on the reader so forcefully that it detracts from the story, to the point where you might as well be reading straight-up propoganda.
  • In Carolina, a country part of the what was once the United States, sixteen-year-old Noam Álvaro wakes up alone in a hospital bed. Sent there after deadly viral magic swept through his neighborhood, he’s now alone, his family killed. Still, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Now a technopath thanks to deadly magic, his ability to control technology attracts the Minister of Defense. Inviting Noam to train with the magical elite, he’s asked to help serve his country by training to become one of their elite magical soldiers. But as the son of undocumented immigrants in a country whose Prime Minister promotes nothing but oppression of immigrants, the last thing Noam wants to do is help the government and wipe away the years he’s spent fighting for the refugees. So he embraces the opportunity as a way to finally make change, accepting the minister’s offer to teach him the science behind his magic and secretly planning to use it against the government. But when he meets the minister’s ward and all his dangerous beauty, Noam becomes less certain if what he’s doing is right. Stuck between his longing for change and wishes for love, Noam must decide if trust is a thing he can give out liberally, or if the more he lends his heart out, the faster his world might come crashing down around him.
    This book was what I’ve been waiting for for so. Damn. Long. Ever since the day I saw one of the author’s beautiful aesthetics on her twitter (which you should definitely check out) I knew that I had to read this book. Why, you may ask, were you hooked on this book from the start? For most books, this might be a relatively hard question to answer. But for The Fever King, I never once questioned my seemingly undying love for its concept, characters, plot, setting, and just about everything else. So, let’s go over a few of these.

    “Power’s a nasty thing, and none of us are immune.”

    The first aspect that I was completely in love with was one that I feel isn’t discussed that frequently dark characters. I’ve read many synopsizes and descriptions of books, and I feel like a common theme in many of them is saying that the book contains ‘dark’ characters or themes. As the person that I am, this attracts me to the point where I would do anything to get my hands on the book. The problem occurs when I get the book and finally get to read it. The book that claimed so frequently to be filled with darkness and pain, isn’t, leading me to feel let disappointed. When it came to The Fever King, I was excited because yes, it’s described by having dark characters, but the author also backed this up with amazing aesthetics and excerpts of things such as the first chapter (subscribe to her newsletter for more of this). And when I finally got to read the actual book… well it’s safe to say that excited couldn’t even get close to describing how I felt. Like, WOW. From page one, an almost painful sense of sorrow can be felt through the pages of Noam’s story as he goes through trauma unlike anything else I’ve read before. And even when something ‘light’ occurs, the sense that something can still go wrong is prevalent. This is caused by a few different elements, one of which being articles that the author includes at the ends of some chapters. The true definition of dark and particularly clinical, these articles chronical one of the character’s trauma while helping to promote the overall feel of the book by creating its dark history. Horrid descriptions of terrifying experiments and twisted recorded conversations are featured through these, making the reading wonder just how destructive and horrifying this world is.

    “I take back what I said about silence.”

    These articles would mean nothing without the setting. In a post-war Carolina, the world is in shambles. Yes, there are some ‘good’ parts to some of the cities, but most of the people live in disease-ridden ruin and struggle to survive because of the poor treatment they receive. So who exactly are these people who are treated so horribly? They’re citizens from the country lining Carolina’s border—Atlantia. Fleeing their home country to purse a better, safer life in Carolina, they’re often treated like disease ridden rats, given little if any rights, treated horribly, and left to die by the hundreds from the viral magic. Being Atlantian is a big part of Noam’s identity. Fighting for Atlantian rights for as long as he’s been alive, all he wants to do is to continue in his parent’s footsteps and help them. I loved how Lee included this aspect into her book and wove it in so beautifully. The way she discusses a topic so current to our world is breathtaking. Readers will appreciate how she didn’t just mention it once and let it be, but fully ingrained this theme throughout the book, showcase the horrid and disgusting lengths that some leaders might go to prove a point or please the wealthy. The way that she discussed fascism in a young adult book was truly unique, and how she dealt with it even more so.

    “ ‘That’s super Atlantian territory now, right? I heard it’s pretty overcrowded, with all the refugees.’
    ‘Yeah. I guess it’s…’—what the hell was he even saying?—‘super Atlantian.’”

    This theme was seen prominently in Noam and how he dealt with things. As I mentioned before, Noam was practically raised in fear of the Carolinian government and all that they might do to his people. But he was also proactive in his fight against them, doing all he could possibly do to help. When he was originally taken to train, he almost decided not to go but changed his mind when he discovered the power that his new role could grant him. And though he learns not to be so fearful of the pain the government could inflict on him simply because he was Atlantain, his pain and motivation doesn’t lessen. If anything, it gets stronger. The character of Noam is one that would appeal to many in this sense because the sheer motivation and anger that pushes him to act. I loved how he embodied all those that are marginalized and pushed down. The way he moves in such fervor to get to his goal, the way he can be blinded by his ambition at times but still fights for what he believes in, is breath-taking. One other aspect that is so refreshing about his character is that though he actively fights, he still feels the pain of being an Atlanitan. In the quote above, he takes part in a conversation with others from the training center where they say things about his people that, while are not necessarily horrible, are degrading and uncomfortable. Readers would appreciate this as Lee shows the various sides of the immigrant, or minority, experience. How these people speak so plainly about another’s people, thinking of them as a nuance and not as a struggling minority group, and can’t comprehend how horrible their words are, is sadly something that happens every day.

    “A moment passed, then Dara abruptly turned his face away. His spine was too straight, head bowed like he was waiting for the blade to fall.”

    The fight for immigrant rights wasn’t the only aspect of the book that helped make it the masterpiece that it is. Trauma, a thing that Lee showcased beautifully, was heavily present. And though it was written more obviously for some and more hidden in others, it was such a strong aspect of the book that it would not be complete without it. Now this is the part of my review where I WISH everyone already read it because DAMN I NEED TO TALK TO SOMEONE ABOUT THIS. But, I will contain myself and hopefully still successfully explain the absolutely magnificent job Lee did with including this in the book. In the world we live in, there are a few main types of reaction to trauma, including the person who does something about it, the person who allows it to ruin them, and the person who allows it to engrain with their being and take over their world. Each of these people are present in this book. Written in a way that felt oh so real, these characters in no way behaved like Lee just read an article about trauma and decided to write it into her book. Instead, Lee gives them each their own variations and made sure that not a single aspect about them was left loose and sloppy. From subtle things that readers might not notice right away, to aspects of a personality that both the reader and characters won’t realize are destructive until too late, Lee uses this aspect to once again give a new dimension to her characters. This blends in with how she describes the immigrant experience. Many people don’t think much beyond immigrants besides the fact that they are there. Fewer think about helping them. It’s an even smaller group that thinks about what they might be going through once they are ‘safe’ or a full citizen. This is the group of people that Lee seeks to expand. And while this is not necessarily true for all of her characters that experiencing trauma, it’s still an important part them. Lee includes these themes to help educate the youth, something that can’t be said for many books in the same genre. By exposing readers to new aspects of life, she helps turn a simple book into something that means much more.

    “ ‘You’re Jewish?’
    Lehrer lifted a brow. ‘Do they leave that part out of the history books? He said, and Noam laughed, surprising himself.”

    Another aspect that was much needed in the YA world was all the representation it had, in particular the Jewish and LGBTQ rep. I’ll preface this that while LGBTQ+ used to only be popular in contemporary, they are slowly starting to make their way into fantasy. And the same could be said for books with Jewish themes/characters, only much less so in fantasy. And though I like to specifically seek out books that have these themes, it’s quite rare for me to satisfy both my love of fantasy and my yearning for a Jewish/LGBTQ rep book at the same time. Because of this, I believe that it is safe to say that I have actually never read a book that not only showcased LGBTQ characters in a speculative fiction book, but Jewish characters as well. Too say that I was excited would be undershooting how I felt about this. In fact, as soon as I heard that The Fever King was a book that featured both magic, gays, and Jews, I knew that I would have to read it right away. I could not stress this enough but, wow, did the author not only write these aspects in a way that will make readers swoon, but also made them feel heard. As a Jew myself, I couldn’t help but freak out whenever something Jewish-y was mentioned. And as someone who loves LGBTQ representation in books, I couldn’t stop fangirling when an um…certain pair… did basically anything together. And the fact that Jewish references were featured so prominently through this, blew me away. This was particularly meaningful because these two groups are so rarely seen together, so the fact that Lee was able to combine them in a way that didn’t feel forced but meant to be, was absolutely amazing.

    “He wasn’t eating a proper dinner, just picking the red pieces from a bag of sour candies. He’s accumulated quite the pile next to his lukewarm potatoes.”

    This review would not be complete without mentioning the beautifully crafted side characters. Each with their own characteristics and personalities, I loved how Lee didn’t just write them for the sake of writing them, but wrote them to be a part of the story. I know this sound kind of silly because of course they were written to be a part of the story. But what most readers might not realize is that often times when an author mentions themes like immigration and trauma, or have certain types of representation including, they reserve them for either just the main character(s) or just the side characters. Lee, on the other hand, did not want to stick with that. Readers will appreciate how she took some themes from the main cast and carried it over to the rest of the characters. By doing this, she proves that those themes shouldn’t just be used as a way to make a particular character seem ‘special’, but expand it to show how similar different people could be. Readers will be able to fall in love with her side cast of characters just as easily as with Noam and Dara, slowly, but then all at once.
    I would also like to really quickly address the magic system that is featured in this story. Truly unlike anything else I’ve ever read, I was completely obsessed with it from the moment I read about how the viral magic was something people feared, not sought. With most magic books that I’ve read, having magic is something that is wanted and held on a high pedestal. But in The Fever King, it was something to run from. From the very beginning we learn that Noam is the only survivor of the viral magic that swept through his whole neighborhood. And that’s what happens when you have such a low survival rate, only one out of thousands may make it out alive. Readers will find this captivating as it means that for one person to have powers, hundreds of people have to die. I thought that this added yet another dimension to the darkness of the book, but also increased the urgency of which Noam must save his people. Never have I thought that a book’s magic system would serve as almost an antagonist, which was something I enjoyed greatly in this book.
    Wow, well that was definitely something. This review meant so much for me to write because I cherished this book so much. Filled to the brim with so many emotions, it’s clear that Lee poured her being into making this book as beautiful and perfect as it could be. From the representation showcased, to the characters that demand to be adored, to the plot that is guarantees to make readers scream because WHY????, Lee wrote precisely the type of novel for me. Utterly perfect in every sense of the word The Fever King is not a book to be missed. If you found yourself interested in any of the themes I mentioned, don’t hesitate to check this book out on Goodreads and maybe even preorder. Inspired by true pain and built in a magical world unlike any other, The Fever King will shock you with the horrors it showcases, but make you fall in love all the same.
  • I picked this book because it's a YA. I generally enjoy YA's although they're far different than they were when I was young. There's a lot of profanity in this book (although not more than most young people use today) and the main character is gay.

    It's set in 2118. A nuclear war has destroyed the United States and left only a few outposts which have formed into independent states. The states are armed camps, distrustful of each other and with wealth very unevenly distributed. In Carolinia, the Haves live in luxury and health. The Have-Nots are mostly refugees from the poor adjacent country, Atlantia. They are barely tolerated by the native Carolinians and live in harsh poverty, under constant threat of deportation. Still they cross the border because the poverty and sickness in their own land is even worse.

    Noam was born to undocumented Atlantians. To make him even more of an outcast, his family is Jewish. His mother committed suicide and his father is dying. Noam dropped out of school early and works three jobs, while volunteering at the Refugee Center. Then a wave of infectious illness sweeps the poor neighborhood where he lives and Noam is the only survivor. The fever leaves him with magical powers. He is (like many of the elite Carolinians) a witching. And he is taken to live in the government complex.

    Level !V is a training ground for teen witchings. Noam is the odd man out. The other teens come from privileged backgrounds and their schooling has been far more extensive than Noam's. He has to work overtime to catch up. Magic doesn't come easily, but must be built on a firm knowledge of math and physics. But Noam has one advantage over the others. His power is technopathy. Telepathy is knowing what another person is thinking. Technopathy is knowing what another person has typed into his digital device. Since most people now spend far more time typing than thinking, it's a valuable skill.

    Most of the adults in charge of Level IV are unimpressed with Noam, but he has the backing of Defense Minister Lehrer. Calix Lehrer and his late brother led the battle to make Carolinia an independent nation after the nuclear holocaust. He was once king, but resigned to allow a democratic government. 100 years later, he's still a force and even corrupt Chancellor Sacha dares not offend his country's great hero. But exactly what does Lehrer stand for?

    Noam is torn between his fascination with Level IV and his guilt at deserting his own people. He's determined to gain power so that he can help the poor community which is his real home. And he DOES gain power, aided by his mentor Lehrer. It seems that at last there is hope that the Atlantia refugees will be granted citizenship and given access to education, medical care, and jobs. But like all revolutions, it comes at a terrible price.

    I think this book works because the author never forgets that these teen witchings are simply kids. Straight or gay, with magic powers or without, in the 22nd Century or 1950, the basic characteristics of teens don't vary much. The journey from childhood to adulthood is a tricky and frequently painful one. Typically, Minister Lehrer sees the value of recruiting a young person from the refugee community, but the youngsters are suspicious of this kid who doesn't look or act like them. Teens never welcome the unknown. They're having enough trouble figuring out how to deal with the known.

    Magic powers don't make it any easier for a young person to navigate in a world that comes with no instruction sheet. They must feel their way, learning by trial and error who is trustworthy and who isn't. Each one must find a cause worth living and dying for. And each must decide how much sacrifice that cause is worth.

    This book was outside of my usual range, but I'm glad I read it.
  • The Fever King is what you get when you leave X-Men and Vicious alone in a room with proper mood lighting, then toss in a detailed post-post-apocalyptic setting and some incredibly nuanced YA characters for good measure. If that doesn't sell you on how amazing this book is, I have no idea what will.
  • I don't care if this is gay or lesbian fiction, it's just poor fiction. The post apocalyptic genre has been done much better. This author needs to improve a lot. Boring, uninteresting, could feel my brain cells diminishing in size trying to read this junk. My time is better spent doing anything other than wasting it reading this book.
More aboutDownload The Fever King Feverwake Book 1 Audible Audio Edition Victoria Lee Michael Crouch Brilliance Audio Books

Read 2017 Lighthouses Mini Calendar TF Publishing 9781624387715 Books

By Christine Finch

Read 2017 Lighthouses Mini Calendar TF Publishing 9781624387715 Books

Download As PDF : 2017 Lighthouses Mini Calendar TF Publishing 9781624387715 Books

Download PDF 2017 Lighthouses Mini Calendar TF Publishing 9781624387715 Books

Celebrate the beauty of the sea and enjoy the historic charm of these beautiful structures. The lighthouses are identified. This 2017 calendar also includes 4-month bonus spread. All calendar pages are printed on FSC certified paper and use environmentally safe inks.

Read 2017 Lighthouses Mini Calendar TF Publishing 9781624387715 Books

"Arrived in great shape. Thanks"

Product details

  • Calendar 28 pages
  • Publisher Time Factory; Min Wal edition (August 20, 2016)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1624387713

Read 2017 Lighthouses Mini Calendar TF Publishing 9781624387715 Books

Tags : 2017 Lighthouses Mini Calendar [TF Publishing] on . Celebrate the beauty of the sea and enjoy the historic charm of these beautiful structures. The lighthouses are identified. This 2017 calendar also includes 4-month bonus spread. All calendar pages are printed on FSC certified paper and use environmentally safe inks.,TF Publishing,2017 Lighthouses Mini Calendar,Time Factory,1624387713,17-2098,Art / Photography,Lighthouses,travel,scenic,water,coast,calendar,wall,plan,2017,organize,calender,office,home,month,monthly,Non-Classifiable

2017 Lighthouses Mini Calendar TF Publishing 9781624387715 Books Reviews :

2017 Lighthouses Mini Calendar TF Publishing 9781624387715 Books Reviews

  • Arrived in great shape. Thanks
  • Pictures are beautiful!
  • heavier paper, not card-stock but hasn't seemed to be curling up yet....
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PDF A Justified Murder Audible Audio Edition Jude Deveraux Susan Bennett Recorded Books Books

By Christine Finch

PDF A Justified Murder Audible Audio Edition Jude Deveraux Susan Bennett Recorded Books Books

Download As PDF : A Justified Murder Audible Audio Edition Jude Deveraux Susan Bennett Recorded Books Books

Download PDF A Justified Murder Audible Audio Edition Jude Deveraux Susan Bennett Recorded Books Books

New York Times best-selling romance author Jude Deveraux continues her breakout Medlar Mystery series with a twisted tale of guilt and revenge....

The small town of Lachlan, Florida, was rocked last year when two bodies were uncovered in the roots of a fallen tree. Despite their lack of investigative experience, Sara Medlar; her niece, Kate; and Jack Wyatt found themselves at the center of the mystery, working together to reveal the truth behind a decades-old secret in the sleepy town. After a narrow escape, they vowed to never again involve themselves in something so dangerous - until Janet Beeson is murdered.

When Janet's body is discovered, everyone is shocked by the violence of the attack. The sweet little old woman has been shot, stabbed, and poisoned, but no one can imagine who would want to harm one of the town's kindest, most helpful residents.

Sara, Kate, and Jack are determined to leave this case to the professionals. But they are soon bombarded by townspeople eager to tell their stories and clear their names with the trio who solved the Morris murders. Even the sheriff is hoping they'll lend their skills to a crime that seems to have no explanation and no motive. And once the town gets talking, they begin to see that there are more secrets buried in quiet Lachlan than anyone could have imagined....

PDF A Justified Murder Audible Audio Edition Jude Deveraux Susan Bennett Recorded Books Books

"What's not to love for any Jude Deveraux fan. The 1st book was amazing and this was as well, a must read"

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 10 hours and 31 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher Recorded Books
  • Release Date February 26, 2019
  • Whispersync for Voice Ready
  • Language English, English

Read A Justified Murder Audible Audio Edition Jude Deveraux Susan Bennett Recorded Books Books

Tags : A Justified Murder (Audible Audio Edition) Jude Deveraux, Susan Bennett, Recorded Books Books, ,Jude Deveraux, Susan Bennett, Recorded Books,A Justified Murder,Recorded Books,B07JHWJ6Z6

A Justified Murder Audible Audio Edition Jude Deveraux Susan Bennett Recorded Books Books Reviews :

A Justified Murder Audible Audio Edition Jude Deveraux Susan Bennett Recorded Books Books Reviews

  • There is none of the charm, none of the warmth that I have come to expect from Jude Devereaux. When I came across the first book in this series, I was thrilled as it had been a while since I had read one of her books. I was only so -so about it, but I preordered the next book in the series. Since that time, I had re-read several of the older Jude Devereaux books, and remembered why I had liked them so much.

    This book is nothing like them. I never got into the story, I don't care about the characters and i only finished it because I skipped to the end.
  • I feel as if I started in the middle of a book and I could put it down and not read for 2 or 3 days. This book isn’t one of her better books. I have read most of her books and I have stayed up half the night just to finish. This one wasn’t one that kept me reading
  • What's not to love for any Jude Deveraux fan. The 1st book was amazing and this was as well, a must read
  • Seemed very disjointed. I felt it was difficult to follow the storyline, things jumped around too much to be able connect all the pieces. I usually enjoy her books, but this one was a disappointment for me.
  • A kindly old women is discovered dead. She is the victim of a three way murder. She was poisoned, stabbed in the chest with a knife and shot in the head. Sara, Kate and Jack vow not to get involved with the case, but since some of their friends had dealings with the deceased and have motives for her murder they are looking to help. They discover the deceased is not the sweet person everyone thinks she is, but who would comet such a terrible crime? The complications are from a want to be author, a reporter who is looking to write his big story and a retired detective who is obsessed with solving a decades old kidnapping. All this is woven into a wonderful story that has your interest to the very end. One of her best!
  • This is the second book in her Medlar series. I didn't really care for the first but gave this one a try hoping it was better. The main characters do not really draw me in. The plot was ok in this book but honestly everything is so disjointed it doesn't flow. I posted a review on the first book stating that I couldn't believe that Jude Deveraux wrote this book as it had none of her writing style in it. Same for this second book. There are so many characters to the story that when you put the book down it is hard to remember who is who when you pick it back up. The book is not the kind that you can't put down. The end left you hanging and that is so annoying. Won't be buying the 3 rd installment. Give us back the original Jude!
  • I have been reading Jude Deveraux books for longer than I want to say, because that would give away my age! Not Jude's of course. Anyway, this book leaves you unsure until the end, just who did it! Even, then are you sure? The characters are the kind of folks you would enjoy a glass of tea with. You would enjoy spending time in their town, and in Sara's home. If you give it a read, I think you will enjoy it as much as any of her other series!!
  • This story keeps you turning the page to find out what happens next. Despite not wanting to get involved in another murder investigation, Sara, Jack and Kate are drawn into the inconsistency of Janet Beeson's murder. The more they find out the more it hits closer to home. The answer could ruin the life of one of their friends in Lachlan, Florida . Can they solve the murder without old secrets coming out?
More aboutPDF A Justified Murder Audible Audio Edition Jude Deveraux Susan Bennett Recorded Books Books

Read Online Hashimoto Food Pharmacology Nutrition Protocols and Healing Recipes to Take Charge of Your Thyroid Health edition by Izabella Wentz Professional Technical eBooks

By Christine Finch on Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Read Online Hashimoto Food Pharmacology Nutrition Protocols and Healing Recipes to Take Charge of Your Thyroid Health edition by Izabella Wentz Professional Technical eBooks

Product details

  • File Size 25166 KB
  • Print Length 367 pages
  • Page Numbers Source ISBN 0062571591
  • Publisher HarperOne; 1 edition (March 26, 2019)
  • Publication Date March 26, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English
  • ASIN B07B2V1Y9Z

Hashimoto Food Pharmacology Nutrition Protocols and Healing Recipes to Take Charge of Your Thyroid Health edition by Izabella Wentz Professional Technical eBooks Reviews

  • I preorderd this book and got it delivered on its release date because I had such high hopes for it. I wanted to love it. But honestly, I'm not sure it will work for the average, working person/family. To follow the specific meal plans, you will need to set aside a significant portion of your day to cook. Day 3 of Intro Week is literally hours of prep and cook time. Also, several recipes, in addition to the daily morning smoothie, require a scoop of a specific Rootcology protein powder which runs $80 per canister on . Obviously at this price point, it may be not feasible for many people's household budget, especially if you're a mom who is having to increase the recipe sizes to feed a big family.

    On the upside, it's a beautiful book, lovely pictures, and great info on Hashimotos. Just maybe not the best solution for a busy, working, middle class family.
  • Excellent! Izabella's comprehensive book offers super easy meal plans which are easy to implement along with any diet you may be following. This book will also help you understand how to approach your symptom burden (pain, IBS, hair loss, brain fog, etc) common in people with thyroid disease through the use of healing foods that are nutritious and delicious. The recipes are delicious and the pictures are gorgeous. As a nurse-nutritionist who works exclusively with women with Hashimoto's, I am recommending this book to all my clients.
  • I have say, as a very educated and very smart author Izabella Wentz has changed my life with her findings when it comes to having an autoimmune disease that all my doctors have failed to help. So informative and simply clever. I'm still reading the book but its very nice pace in terms of a book that educations, teaches and helps you learn to be a new person again. Lovely work, there is charm, intelligence, and care put into this book.
  • I absolutely LOVE this book. Izabella does a fabulous job of explaining Hashimoto's and the principles and science that support her healing through nutrition approach. She explains the "why" behind the concepts she presents. I found the information in this book comprehensive and extremely helpful. It goes way beyond typical medical advice. As an integrative health coach and person with Hashimoto's, I know firsthand how powerful and life-changing this material is. Izabella takes a difficult subject and breaks it down into easy, manageable steps. I just started trying the healthy recipes and so far they are delicious. I am dairy and gluten-free and can eat all the recipes in this book - yay! The directions are simple and the photographs are beautiful. I can't wait to keep trying new ones. I am now recommending it to all my clients who have Hashimoto's as well as people with other autoimmune conditions.
  • I have bought numerous cookbooks over the years, paleo, mediteranean, and this and that...and based on my genetics, my food sensitivies and my thyroid health I always end up a little deflatted. But this book... finally a book for me!!!
    First recipe in picture, bison meatballs, so so good.
    The little notes in the book, so helpful, like random comments that fennel can be aggravating for autoimmune issues. Never knew that. I have not read the first part of the book yet, will get there soon.
  • i own dr. wentz' other two books. she can be quite an information overload when you're first feeling out knowledge on hashimoto's but she is one of the best sources as well. the first part of the book is a condensed version of what you might find in her other two books while also diving more deeply into how your diet affects your autoimmune disease. the dialogue is approachable, and the author both personal and likeable.

    as far as the recipes go, i've made five at this point hot lemon water, spa water (do these count, lol!) truffled veggies, beef stew, and bibimbap bowls. all three FOOD recipes have been very successful for me, though i have to sub quite a few things due to my gut/food sensitivities. beef stew was bison stew; the meat in my bibimbap was bison meatballs as well, as i react to beef (and chicken, and fish!). i can't have garlic or onions so i leave those out as well as the avocado in the bibimbap. despite all that, everything has been a success and i just have to remind myself that i'm eating to heal right now. i hope some day soon i'll be able to reintroduce everything so i can have these recipes as they should be enjoyed. please don't hesitate to give this cookbook a try. everything is simple, straightforward, delicious, and doesn't require a ton of prep or cleanup. thank you, dr. wentz!
  • Loved.Loved ,Loved this book! So wonderful . Vibrant pictures and easy to follow recipes.The first half was also extremely helpful as it explains how to avoid the common mistakes we might make especially going Gluten free (like i was ).This book (like all of the others Dr. Wentz has written )is an absolute MUST have for anyone with Hashimoto's or does not know where to begin as far as eating healthy for your Thyroid health ,as her insights and knowledge not only as a Doctor but also as a patient is a sigh of relief in this diet crazed world .Thanks again Dr.Izabella Wentz your insight has empowered me with knowledge I can use everyday!!!
  • Very disappointed. She has written a book that isn't just for AIP, it include two other diets as well and all the recipes are mixed together. She does a two week diet plan for each, but no grocery list, so you are flipping back and forth trying to figure out what to buy to cook these recipes. The recipes are also not compiled per diet, but mixed together so again, more flipping back and forth. Completely frustrating! I can't answer for the taste of the recipes as I closed the book and put it aside.
More aboutRead Online Hashimoto Food Pharmacology Nutrition Protocols and Healing Recipes to Take Charge of Your Thyroid Health edition by Izabella Wentz Professional Technical eBooks

Ebook Selected Poems of Christopher Logue Faber Poetry Christopher Logue 9780571347698 Books

By Christine Finch

Ebook Selected Poems of Christopher Logue Faber Poetry Christopher Logue 9780571347698 Books

Product details

  • Series Faber Poetry
  • Paperback 160 pages
  • Publisher Faber & Faber; Main edition (August 13, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 9780571347698
  • ISBN-13 978-0571347698
  • ASIN 057134769X

Selected Poems of Christopher Logue Faber Poetry Christopher Logue 9780571347698 Books Reviews

  • this book more than lived up to my expectations. it is humorous, witty, caustic, scholarly, deep, shallow and otherwise a magical trip. and best of all .... it is mine.
  • This book, published in 1996, features a selection of Christopher Logue's poetry spanning from his early work in the 1950s up to the 1990s. It includes such legendary poems as his "I Shall Vote Labour" as well as the "poem poster" material he fashioned. But what's most important is that this book culminates in an exclusive installment of Logue's decades-in-the-making War Music.

    I've read countless books and Logue's War Music is my favorite of them all. An "account" of Homer's Iliad, it's basically a rewriting of the epic in contemporary poetry, and to tell the truth I prefer it to the original (though admittedly I can't read Attic Greek). Currently War Music lives in 3 volumes the self-titled release, All Day Permanent Red, and Cold Calls. I've read that Logue is now working on the final installment; he's been working on it since Cold Calls was published in 2005. But sadly none of the above books includes the War Music installment featured here in Selected Poems; to read it, you'll need to buy this book.

    An eight-page rewrite of Iliad Book 21, this is an epic in miniature, with Achilles battling the river-god Scamander. First off we see that this installment takes place later chronologically than anything in War Music Logue has yet published; the self-titled volume was heretofore the latest in the Iliad sequence, and it ended with Achilles taking up his divine armor, preparing to slaughter the Trojans. Here we meet him after he's well into a murderous frenzy; he's killed so many that Scamander complains of the corpses mucking up his waters.

    All as in Homer, but Logue rewrites as he sees fit. Indeed, he relates most of the story with a prefacing "Prelude," then moves straight into Achilles boasting over his many dead. But this is a quick-moving tale, with Scamander nearly drowning Achilles, Athena and Poseidon offering the Greek moral support, and Hera sending her son Hephaestus to burn Scamander until he relents. And it's a tale filled with those Logue touches which make War Music such a marvel Achilles graphically denigrating the recently-killed Asteropeus's inception, Hera lovingly calling Hephaestus "Little Cripple" as she instructs him to burn Scamander until she says to stop, the surrendering Scamander screaming of the Trojans "Let `em burn."

    One happy day the final installment of War Music will be published, and on an even happier day the entire completed epic will be collected into one volume. When that day comes I hope Logue's publishers remember to include this forgotten installment.
More aboutEbook Selected Poems of Christopher Logue Faber Poetry Christopher Logue 9780571347698 Books

Read Et si j'étais maman ? Youpi je lis ! French Edition edition by Robin Claire Clement Children eBooks

By Christine Finch

Read Et si j'étais maman ? Youpi je lis ! French Edition edition by Robin Claire Clement Children eBooks

Download As PDF : Et si j'étais maman ? Youpi je lis ! French Edition edition by Robin Claire Clement Children eBooks

Download PDF Et si j&#39étais maman ? Youpi je lis ! French Edition  edition by Robin Claire Clement Children eBooks

Avec la maman d'Essie, tout est interdit ! De regarder la télé le soir, de manger plein de bonbons... Si Essie était maman, ses enfants pourraient faire tout ce qu'ils ont envie ! Aussitôt dit, aussitôt... Essie devient maman. Et elle ne dit jamais non à ses enfants. Elle leur achète des guimauves, des caramels, des chewing-gums. Et elle n'éteint la télé que lorsque Parfait et Merveille, épuisés, s'endorment sur le canapé. Ils ont bien le droit de faire ce qu'ils veulent, non ?

Read Et si j'étais maman ? Youpi je lis ! French Edition edition by Robin Claire Clement Children eBooks


Product details

  • File Size 26499 KB
  • Print Length 32 pages
  • Publisher Bayard Jeunesse (March 6, 2019)
  • Publication Date March 6, 2019
  • Language French
  • ASIN B07N2X9W1C

Read Et si j&#39étais maman ? Youpi je lis ! French Edition  edition by Robin Claire Clement Children eBooks

Tags : Et si j'étais maman ? (Youpi, je lis !) (French Edition) - edition by Robin, Claire Clement. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Et si j'étais maman ? (Youpi, je lis !) (French Edition).,ebook,Robin, Claire Clement,Et si j'étais maman ? (Youpi, je lis !) (French Edition),Bayard Jeunesse

Et si j'étais maman ? Youpi je lis ! French Edition edition by Robin Claire Clement Children eBooks Reviews :

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Download A Practical Wedding Planner A StepbyStep Guide to Creating the Wedding You Want with the Budget You've Got without Losing Your Mind in the Process edition by Meg Keene Crafts Hobbies Home eBooks

By Christine Finch

Download A Practical Wedding Planner A StepbyStep Guide to Creating the Wedding You Want with the Budget You've Got without Losing Your Mind in the Process edition by Meg Keene Crafts Hobbies Home eBooks

Download As PDF : A Practical Wedding Planner A StepbyStep Guide to Creating the Wedding You Want with the Budget You've Got without Losing Your Mind in the Process edition by Meg Keene Crafts Hobbies Home eBooks

Download PDF A Practical Wedding Planner A StepbyStep Guide to Creating the Wedding You Want with the Budget You&#39ve Got without Losing Your Mind in the Process  edition by Meg Keene Crafts Hobbies Home eBooks

The author of A Practical Wedding offers a no-nonsense wedding planner, with all the tools, tips, and strategies to get the celebration you want, on a budget you can actually afford

Whether you're newly engaged or haven't quite made anything official yet, but you know you want to spend your lives together, you're going to need help planning your wedding. When you're ready to take a deep breath and start, this is the book you want--need--to have. From figuring out what you really want--as opposed to what everyone else thinks you should want--to helping you keep an eye on the ceremony itself and the vows, Meg Keene, founder of, covers all the essentials. With checklists (such as flowers, food, final venue walk-through) and key spreadsheets (guest list and seating chart, budget, venue search, and more), A Practical Wedding Planner helps you
  • Set a budget--and stick to it
  • Choose a venue traditional, non-traditional, and everything in between
  • Hire good vendors and keep your friendors (and tells you why DIY doesn't always save money)
  • Figure out catering, rentals, and everything else Pinterest forgot to tell you
  • Reality-check wedding décor
  • Create and write a ceremony that really represents both of you
  • Get everyone to show up...and have a good time

Download A Practical Wedding Planner A StepbyStep Guide to Creating the Wedding You Want with the Budget You've Got without Losing Your Mind in the Process edition by Meg Keene Crafts Hobbies Home eBooks

"Such a great book. If you read her blog and are wondering if this book is worth it, take it from me it totally is. My partner is very frugal, the type of person who always tells me to get books from the library, but we were both very pleased with how helpful this book is. He congratulated me on what a goodbye it was. The reason you should buy your own is because there are lots of places for you to jot down thoughts and ideas and little worksheets that are very helpful."

Product details

  • File Size 16318 KB
  • Print Length 255 pages
  • Publisher Da Capo Lifelong Books (January 5, 2016)
  • Publication Date January 5, 2016
  • Language English
  • ASIN B012271KZW

Read A Practical Wedding Planner A StepbyStep Guide to Creating the Wedding You Want with the Budget You&#39ve Got without Losing Your Mind in the Process  edition by Meg Keene Crafts Hobbies Home eBooks

Tags : A Practical Wedding Planner A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating the Wedding You Want with the Budget You've Got (without Losing Your Mind in the Process) - edition by Meg Keene. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading A Practical Wedding Planner A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating the Wedding You Want with the Budget You've Got (without Losing Your Mind in the Process).,ebook,Meg Keene,A Practical Wedding Planner A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating the Wedding You Want with the Budget You've Got (without Losing Your Mind in the Process),Da Capo Lifelong Books,General Adult,MARRIAGE,Non-Fiction,REFERENCE,REFERENCE / Event Planning,REFERENCE / Personal Practical Guides,REFERENCE / Weddings,REFERENCE / Weddings.,SELF-HELP / Fashion Style,Weddings,Weddings - Economic aspects,Weddings - Planning,Weddings, wedding planners,Weddings;Economic aspects.,Weddings;Planning.,wedding; flowers; engaged; married; bride; groom; husband; wife; fiance; fiancee; wedding planner; venue; ceremony; vendors; budget; save the date; wedding day; florists; wedding dress; celebration; cake; invitations; bridesmaid; groomsman; event planner; wedding coordinator; shower; bachelor; bachelorette; non-traditional; gay lesbian trans; LGBTQ; budget; cost-saving; Brides Magazine; The Knot; destination wedding; fall wedding,wedding; flowers; engaged; married; bride; groom; husband; wife; fiance; fiancee; wedding planner; venue; ceremony; vendors; budget; save the date; wedding day; florists; wedding dress; celebration; cake; invitations; bridesmaid; groomsman; event planner; wedding coordinator; shower; bachelor; bachelorette; non-traditional; gay lesbian trans; LGBTQ; cost-saving; Brides Magazine; The Knot; destination wedding; fall wedding

A Practical Wedding Planner A StepbyStep Guide to Creating the Wedding You Want with the Budget You've Got without Losing Your Mind in the Process edition by Meg Keene Crafts Hobbies Home eBooks Reviews :

A Practical Wedding Planner A StepbyStep Guide to Creating the Wedding You Want with the Budget You've Got without Losing Your Mind in the Process edition by Meg Keene Crafts Hobbies Home eBooks Reviews

  • To be completely honest with you, I had my doubts about this new book when it was out for pre-order. I thought, “What could possibly be covered now?” Between the 2011 guidebook, the website’s oft-updated front page and growing archives, and downloadable spreadsheets available online, I wondered if it was going to be a redundant piece of fluff. I bought my copy to see if it was worth suggesting to my couples (I'm a wedding photographer), or warn them not to waste their money. So for me to read it, cover to cover, and have my skepticism blown away actually speaks really highly of this book. It’s useful! It’s smart! It’s handy!

    See, the first book, A Practical Wedding Creative Ideas for Planning a Beautiful, Affordable, and Meaningful Celebration, gets you into the *headspace* of planning a wedding. For many of us, our wedding is the first wedding that we’ve ever had to plan. Figuring out how to approach wedding planning, then feeling right about our decisions, is what the original APW book is all about.

    This companion book, A Practical Wedding Planner (“APWP”), coaxes you into actually taking action. Meg starts by asking you to think of your wedding’s “thesis” — not colors or theme, but the takeaway that you want your guests to feel after the wedding is over. (Best dance party? Amazing spiritual experience? Warm, casual vibe?) Then build your wedding around that thesis.

    While the planner, at around 9×7″ (notably bigger than the novel-sized 2011 guidebook), isn’t quite large enough to feel like it’s an essential replacement of a wedding-planning binder, it feels more like a notebook and has wide margins so you can scribble all in it (there are some dedicated spots for you to fill in your plans, but for the most part, the book tracks out to-do’s). It’s divided into sections that you can jump to depending on where you are in your planning process budgets, venues, catering, etc.

    The best part about this book is that it can be scaled up or down depending on the type of wedding you’re going to have Meg doesn’t assume that you’ll be having a giant wedding, a tiny one, or that you’ll hire all of the vendors that most wedding-planning books recommend you to hire. She outlines DIY projects, describes the risks and rewards of DIY, and suggests how to get the most out of DIY planning. It’s a little bit like a choose-your-own-adventure book. Want to do your own makeup? Here’s the path to take. Interested in arranging your own flowers? Here is what you need to look out for.

    Where APW used voices from married couples, describing how they created an authentic wedding instead of going with the traditional or expected, APWP interviews wedding professionals. These seasoned vendors explain how to get the best deals from different vendors (hint it’s not always about negotiating, but by understanding what is typically included in the industry norm and what are additional fees), as well as the best questions to ask the vendors you’re vetting to work your wedding.

    Some of the best stuff is in the nitty gritty there’s a chart of flowers, when they’re in season, their price ranges, and good substitutes. There’s an alcohol calculator. There are sample timelines, sample ceremonies of many religions and cultures, and even guidelines on how to address your invites in a “gently feminist” way.

    In short, should you get this book if you’re planning a wedding?

    Resounding YES.
  • I bought Meg's first book, "A Practical Wedding" when I got engaged and it was great. After suffering through The Knot Wedding Planner and finding it supremely unhelpful, this came out and has been SO great. It's comprehensive, easy to use and not just a book of lists and unhelpful blank spaces to write things. She fills the planner with good advice, interesting detail and shortcuts to make wedding planning easy and fun. You won't regret buying this!
  • This book walked me through planning my DIY, creative wedding without (much) freaking out. I was never married before, in my 40s, and not the sort of person who had been dreaming of her wedding since childhood. I also wanted a mixture of nontraditional and traditional elements, and badly wanted to avoid spending a ton of money. A Practical Wedding Planning gives sensible options for all kinds of avenues; it would work if you wanted a big white wedding, or if you just wanted a small party in your backyard. Our wedding was perfect for us, inexpensive, and so well-organized and delegated per Meg's advice that I was able to just show up and enjoy every minute!
  • Seriously this is the best wedding planner ever! Everything you can think of is in here and organized! I bought this for myself to help my sister with her wedding planning. We’re both having destination weddings and this book his so handy for any type of wedding you’re thinking of having and it’s a realistic planner. I definitely recommend reading the entire book before focusing on certain aspects. (That’s what I did at first) Once again if you’re planning a wedding no matter if it’s a courthouse wedding/elopement-destination or huge 300 person big bash, BUY this book!!
  • Such a great book. If you read her blog and are wondering if this book is worth it, take it from me it totally is. My partner is very frugal, the type of person who always tells me to get books from the library, but we were both very pleased with how helpful this book is. He congratulated me on what a goodbye it was. The reason you should buy your own is because there are lots of places for you to jot down thoughts and ideas and little worksheets that are very helpful.
  • I wish that I had read this earlier on, because it would have saved me SO SO SO SO SO much trouble. Unfortunately I bought this after I was well into the planning process. If you just got engaged, I highly recommend this. If you're 3 months out from your wedding (like myself) it's probably not as useful. I can't tell you the amount of passages I read where I thought "OMG, where was this information 6 months ago?!?!?".
  • In a world where weddings have gotten insane, this book is SOOO sensible. Throwing a $40,000 wedding? This will work for you. Throwing a $5,000 wedding? Here's how to adapt. Made me feel much more calm about my mid-sized wedding budget and helped me navigate the world of wedding planning. (Many of the things in it are also on the webpage, so you COULD get by without the book.)
  • Made my life a million times easier. Wish there was a bit more info on invitations, but their site and the internet has a ton of information on it. 100% recommend it. I've had a pretty stress-free time planning. Have pretty much everything booked over a year before wedding thanks to the book. Love it. My fiance found it very useful too. I love that it takes a feminist perspective.
More aboutDownload A Practical Wedding Planner A StepbyStep Guide to Creating the Wedding You Want with the Budget You've Got without Losing Your Mind in the Process edition by Meg Keene Crafts Hobbies Home eBooks

PDF Il Jihad ai tropici Italian Edition edition by Maria Zuppello Politics Social Sciences eBooks

By Christine Finch

PDF Il Jihad ai tropici Italian Edition edition by Maria Zuppello Politics Social Sciences eBooks

Download As PDF : Il Jihad ai tropici Italian Edition edition by Maria Zuppello Politics Social Sciences eBooks

Download PDF Il Jihad ai tropici Italian Edition  edition by Maria Zuppello Politics Social Sciences eBooks

Brasile, Venezuela, Messico, Colombia, Ecuador, Cile, Perù e gli altri Paesi latinoamericani alle prese con il narcotraffico e il terrorismo di matrice islamista. Un dossier prezioso e unico nel suo genere, destinato a far discutere molto, anche per le numerose e dettagliate informazioni sullo stato dell'arte della criminalità organizzata e del narcoterrorismo che, grazie soprattutto ai proventi della cocaina, alimentano una spirale di violenza preoccupante per il futuro del Sudamerica.

PDF Il Jihad ai tropici Italian Edition edition by Maria Zuppello Politics Social Sciences eBooks


Product details

  • File Size 853 KB
  • Print Length 215 pages
  • Publisher Paesi edizioni (February 19, 2019)
  • Publication Date February 20, 2019
  • Language Italian

Read Il Jihad ai tropici Italian Edition  edition by Maria Zuppello Politics Social Sciences eBooks

Tags : Il Jihad ai tropici (Italian Edition) - edition by Maria Zuppello. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Il Jihad ai tropici (Italian Edition).,ebook,Maria Zuppello,Il Jihad ai tropici (Italian Edition),Paesi edizioni

Il Jihad ai tropici Italian Edition edition by Maria Zuppello Politics Social Sciences eBooks Reviews :

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Read Online Un messaggero per l'Europa Italian Edition eBook Robert Menasse Simone Buttazzi

By Christine Finch on Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Read Online Un messaggero per l'Europa Italian Edition eBook Robert Menasse Simone Buttazzi

Product details

  • File Size 1123 KB
  • Print Length 132 pages
  • Publisher Sellerio Editore (May 9, 2019)
  • Publication Date May 9, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language Italian
  • ASIN B07MZD433K

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Download Who Moved My Cheese? An AMazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life Audible Audio Edition Spencer Johnson Kenneth Blanchard Tony Roberts Karen Ziemba Penguin Audio Books

By Christine Finch

Download Who Moved My Cheese? An AMazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life Audible Audio Edition Spencer Johnson Kenneth Blanchard Tony Roberts Karen Ziemba Penguin Audio Books

Download As PDF : Who Moved My Cheese? An AMazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life Audible Audio Edition Spencer Johnson Kenneth Blanchard Tony Roberts Karen Ziemba Penguin Audio Books

Download PDF Who Moved My Cheese? An AMazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life Audible Audio Edition Spencer Johnson Kenneth Blanchard Tony Roberts Karen Ziemba Penguin Audio Books

The number one international best seller!

A timeless business classic, Who Moved My Cheese? uses a simple parable to reveal profound truths about dealing with change so that you can enjoy less stress and more success in your work and in your life.

It would be all so easy if you had a map to the Maze.
If the same old routines worked.
If they'd just stop moving "The Cheese."
But things keep changing...

Most people are fearful of change, both personal and professional, because they don't have any control over how or when it happens to them. Since change happens either to the individual or by the individual, Dr. Spencer Johnson, the co-author of the multimillion best seller The One Minute Manager, uses a deceptively simple story to show that when it comes to living in a rapidly changing world, what matters most is your attitude. 

Exploring a simple way to take the fear and anxiety out of managing the future, Who Moved My Cheese? can help you discover how to anticipate, acknowledge, and accept change in order to have a positive impact on your job, your relationships, and every aspect of your life.

Download Who Moved My Cheese? An AMazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life Audible Audio Edition Spencer Johnson Kenneth Blanchard Tony Roberts Karen Ziemba Penguin Audio Books

"So many negative reviews on this book. I feel that people are missing the message and just focusing on the simplicity and shortness of it. It's not the length of the book, the message it provides you is what you should look into. This book helps the reader see the world through new eyes. I wasn't given this book by my boss, but by my brother. After reading it, I even bought two of my friends a copy. It helped with controlling feelings of fear in regards to change. I have more confidence in myself and don't see failure as something bad anymore. I really wish i would've read this years ago. Give the book a real chance. Ask yourself if what the book is saying could've helped you in the past. I bet you'll see it could have."

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 1 hour and 39 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher Penguin Audio
  • Release Date July 24, 2018
  • Whispersync for Voice Ready
  • Language English, English

Read Who Moved My Cheese? An AMazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life Audible Audio Edition Spencer Johnson Kenneth Blanchard Tony Roberts Karen Ziemba Penguin Audio Books

Tags : Who Moved My Cheese? An A-Mazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life (Audible Audio Edition) Spencer Johnson, Kenneth Blanchard, Tony Roberts, Karen Ziemba, Penguin Audio Books, ,Spencer Johnson, Kenneth Blanchard, Tony Roberts, Karen Ziemba, Penguin Audio,Who Moved My Cheese? An A-Mazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life,Penguin Audio,B07F7LS2ZW

Who Moved My Cheese? An AMazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life Audible Audio Edition Spencer Johnson Kenneth Blanchard Tony Roberts Karen Ziemba Penguin Audio Books Reviews :

Who Moved My Cheese? An AMazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life Audible Audio Edition Spencer Johnson Kenneth Blanchard Tony Roberts Karen Ziemba Penguin Audio Books Reviews

  • I purchased this book for my entire team. I had read it 2 times previously and got something different from it each time. Once my team and I met to discuss the book I knew I made a great decision to purchase them. The discussion was better than any meeting we've had and each of my people got something positive from it. Some found it valuable to their work life and a few were able to work through some things in their personal life due to reading this book. Change is scary for some people and this book, as elementary as it is, can become just the thing a manager needs to build "Buy in" for a new program that you're trying to launch.
  • This book was a part of a required read for a mini-class this Fall semester, and I was surprised to see it again. Having glanced at it many times in advertisements on the old MSN Chatrooms, I thought it was a silly book as a teenager. The title was curious, though. Years later, I lose one of the most important women in my life--my paternal grandmother. To make a long story short, all these things ended up being part of a long destiny that lead to reading one of the most thought-provoking, interesting books I've ever come across. It reads like a fable, but I guarantee that you will see yourself as Sniff, Scurry, Hem, and/or Haw.

    This book is all about dealing with change emotionally and methodically, and realizing when things are about to change. We miss the warning signs sometimes, and nobody is perfect. This book helped me realize my own issues of denial about my grandmother's decline, how I could have made better choices speaking up, and the aftermath--accepting her passing and processing things in time.

    For somebody else, the change and loss could be a marriage, a job, or finances. What I took from the book is that as humans we definitely will become emotional, but staying in one place and doing the same things doesn't get you closer to the cheese. You have to put on your tracksuit and shoes and work through your maze. I love this book, and would reccommend it to anyone going through something right now. It applies to life in ways that will amaze you.
  • So many negative reviews on this book. I feel that people are missing the message and just focusing on the simplicity and shortness of it. It's not the length of the book, the message it provides you is what you should look into. This book helps the reader see the world through new eyes. I wasn't given this book by my boss, but by my brother. After reading it, I even bought two of my friends a copy. It helped with controlling feelings of fear in regards to change. I have more confidence in myself and don't see failure as something bad anymore. I really wish i would've read this years ago. Give the book a real chance. Ask yourself if what the book is saying could've helped you in the past. I bet you'll see it could have.
  • I've always heard talk about this book being a "gem for change management" or "the best thing to help cope with a divorce" or even "a nice tool that aided me during times of depression". I recently bought it out of curiosity so i could read it on a flight and I was not disappointed.
    Change is everywhere and change is constantly happening, we can either wait for circumstances to bring our comfort zone back to us or we can be proactive and seek to behave in a manner that keeps our comfort zone with us at all times. There is a lot more I can say about this book and almost all of it has surely been said already, so I'll just go with this Buy this book, even if you do not think you need it, I am positive that there is someone else in your life who probably does.
  • This quick read is life-changing for me. I have changed so much as an individual and lost family and friends along my journey of self-discovery. So this book has helped me pinpoint within myself what I have done for myself and for my immediate family in becoming a man, a better person, and realizing my own dreams of being happy, not dealing with drama or any kind of BS. So much change has definitely happened in my life but the constants that make me most happy have always been my wife, my mother-in-law and my amazing kids. Highly recommend this read for not just an eye-opener, but to give you some solace in why you may have lost family or friends and in realizing that the change most likely comes from within and is justifiable and okay.
  • As a 50 something in corporate world, I have come to dread and loathe change. I saw it as a challenge to my stability and welfare. Now I have a much better outlook on it. I see that change in necessary and that not only do I have to keep up, I CAN keep up. By breaking the chains of negative thinking I have liberated my mind to possibilities.

    they only thing I did not care for was the conversation after the story. I get it, for those who need a practical application of a radical idea. But I found it annoying.
  • This was recommended by my manager, not because I needed it but to try and understand the various types of people and situations we face in life. It kind of puts things into perspective though and might help me make quicker decisions in the future. )
  • The tale of who moved my cheese is a very good one. The way it is told makes it easy to read. It will help you put things in perspective and can have a big impact on your life. I definitely recommend this book to anyone. It's quick and can be a real pick me up.
More aboutDownload Who Moved My Cheese? An AMazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life Audible Audio Edition Spencer Johnson Kenneth Blanchard Tony Roberts Karen Ziemba Penguin Audio Books

PDF Amtliche UmsatzsteuerHandausgabe 2018/2019 9783083617174 Books

By Christine Finch

PDF Amtliche UmsatzsteuerHandausgabe 2018/2019 9783083617174 Books

Product details

  • Hardcover
  • Language German
  • ISBN-10 3083617178

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Read Online Aeromedical Psychology Carrie H Kennedy Gary G Kay 9780754675907 Books

By Christine Finch

Read Online Aeromedical Psychology Carrie H Kennedy Gary G Kay 9780754675907 Books

Download As PDF : Aeromedical Psychology Carrie H Kennedy Gary G Kay 9780754675907 Books

Download PDF Aeromedical Psychology Carrie H Kennedy Gary G Kay 9780754675907 Books

Aeromedical psychology is that branch of psychology pertaining to the assessment, selection and evaluation of aviation personnel. This book, Aeromedical Psychology, is designed to provide the means for a variety of clinicians to carry out sound assessment and selection procedures, perform informed evaluations and make subsequent recommendations regarding flight status and treatment strategies geared to the aviation environment. To facilitate a dynamic understanding of the field, the book emphasizes an integration of applications and theory, case examples and research. The book is divided into three parts. The first presents assessment and selection procedures for aviation personnel (i.e. air traffic controllers, flight officers and pilots) and astronauts and the many ways in which both psychologists and psychiatrists are involved in these roles. In the second part, the waiver standards put forth by both the FAA and the various branches of the military are presented, as well as the waiver decision process. Clinical issues unique to aviation - notably fear of flying, motivation to fly and airsickness - are addressed, as well as possible courses of intervention, treatment and disposition. In the final part, more specialized issues pertaining to aeromedical psychology are dealt with, namely the psychopharmacological research and regulations applicable to recreational pilots and aviation personnel, managing the aftermath of aviation mishaps and the psychologist's role in accident investigations.

Read Online Aeromedical Psychology Carrie H Kennedy Gary G Kay 9780754675907 Books

"This wonderful collection of chapters on the varied subjects beneath the umbrella of aeromedical psychology, takes us further into the issues faced by the military than their civilian counterparts. More has been written on commercial aviation, as regards psychology assessment and pilot selection, but little has been presented from the military side. Many of the authors participating in this book are still active service men and women, from several of the armed forces in the U.S. This adds relevance to the discussion. And what they share can't be found elsewhere, at least outside military circles. I feel as though I'm front row center on everything being shared. I use the text in my Aviation Mental Health course at the University of Oklahoma. Nicely done!"

Product details

  • Hardcover 376 pages
  • Publisher CRC Press; 1 edition (April 4, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0754675904

Read Aeromedical Psychology Carrie H Kennedy Gary G Kay 9780754675907 Books

Tags : Aeromedical Psychology [Carrie H. Kennedy, Gary G. Kay] on . Aeromedical psychology is that branch of psychology pertaining to the assessment, selection and evaluation of aviation personnel. This book,Carrie H. Kennedy, Gary G. Kay,Aeromedical Psychology,CRC Press,0754675904,Aviation - Piloting Flight Instruction,Health Risk Assessment,Aviation psychology,Aviation psychology.,Flight crews - Psychology,Flight crews;Psychology.,Nonfiction / Transportation,Aerospace aviation technology,Andrew J. Thurston,Andrew J. Thurston; Arlene R. Saitzyk; aviation; Bradford C. Ashley; Brennan D. Cox; Brian B. Parsa; Carlos R. Porges; Christopher A. Alfonzo; Chris M. Front; Erik Viirre; flight; Gary G. Kay; Idit Oz; John A. Caldwell; John R. Reaume; Jonathan B. Clark; J. Lynn Caldwell; Kelley J. Slack; Lacey L. Schmidt; Mathew McCauley; Orit Lurie; Paul O'Connor; Peter B. Walker; Randy Georgemiller; Robert W. Elliott; Tatana M. Olson; Thomas C. Foster; Timothy P. Greydanus; Trevor Reynolds; William L. Little,Arlene R. Saitzyk,Aviation - Piloting Flight Instruction,Aviation psychology,Aviation psychology.,Bradford C. Ashley,Brennan D. Cox,Brian B. Parsa,Carlos R. Porges,Chris M. Front,Christopher A. Alfonzo,Erik Viirre,Flight crews,Flight crews - Psychology,Flight crews;Psychology.,Gary G. Kay,Great Britain/British Isles,Health Risk Assessment,Idit Oz,J. Lynn Caldwell,John A. Caldwell,John R. Reaume,Jonathan B. Clark,Kelley J. Slack,Lacey L. Schmidt,MEDICAL / Health Risk Assessment,Mathew McCauley,Non-Fiction,Nonfiction / Transportation,Orit Lurie,Paul O'Connor,Peter B. Walker,Psychology,Randy Georgemiller,Readings/Anthologies/Collected Works,Robert W. Elliott,Scholarly/Graduate,TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING / Aeronautics Astronautics,TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING / Industrial Health Safety,TEXT,TRANSPORTATION / Aviation / Piloting Flight Instruction,Tatana M. Olson,Technology Engineering Aeronautics Astronautics,Technology Engineering Industrial Health Safety,Technology Engineering/Aeronautics Astronautics,Technology Engineering/Industrial Health Safety,Thomas C. Foster,Timothy P. Greydanus,Transportation,Trevor Reynolds,William L. Little,aviation,flight,MEDICAL / Health Risk Assessment,TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING / Aeronautics Astronautics,TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING / Industrial Health Safety,TRANSPORTATION / Aviation / Piloting Flight Instruction,Technology Engineering Aeronautics Astronautics,Technology Engineering Industrial Health Safety,Technology Engineering/Aeronautics Astronautics,Technology Engineering/Industrial Health Safety,Flight crews,Psychology,Transportation,Aerospace aviation technology

Aeromedical Psychology Carrie H Kennedy Gary G Kay 9780754675907 Books Reviews :

Aeromedical Psychology Carrie H Kennedy Gary G Kay 9780754675907 Books Reviews

  • This wonderful collection of chapters on the varied subjects beneath the umbrella of aeromedical psychology, takes us further into the issues faced by the military than their civilian counterparts. More has been written on commercial aviation, as regards psychology assessment and pilot selection, but little has been presented from the military side. Many of the authors participating in this book are still active service men and women, from several of the armed forces in the U.S. This adds relevance to the discussion. And what they share can't be found elsewhere, at least outside military circles. I feel as though I'm front row center on everything being shared. I use the text in my Aviation Mental Health course at the University of Oklahoma. Nicely done!
  • Kennedy and Kay provide a rich, up-to-date edited volume; a valuable resource for mental health professionals involved in the various aspects of aeromedical psychology. I particularly enjoyed the chapters that survey the evolution of the field, from its pioneering history to contemporary practice. Other chapters range from ones providing comprehensive coverage of the scholarly foundations of the field to others rich with practical experience and guidance. This is, and will be for some time the goto volume on aeromedical psychology.
More aboutRead Online Aeromedical Psychology Carrie H Kennedy Gary G Kay 9780754675907 Books

Ebook Pandora Lab Seven Stories of Science Gone Wrong edition by Paul A Offit Professional Technical eBooks

By Christine Finch

Ebook Pandora Lab Seven Stories of Science Gone Wrong edition by Paul A Offit Professional Technical eBooks

Download As PDF : Pandora Lab Seven Stories of Science Gone Wrong edition by Paul A Offit Professional Technical eBooks

Download PDF Pandora Lab Seven Stories of Science Gone Wrong  edition by Paul A Offit Professional Technical eBooks

What happens when ideas presented as science lead us in the wrong direction? 

History is filled with brilliant ideas that gave rise to disaster, and this book explores the most fascinating—and significant—missteps from opium's heyday as the pain reliever of choice to recognition of opioids as a major cause of death in the U.S.; from the rise of trans fats as the golden ingredient for tastier, cheaper food to the heart disease epidemic that followed; and from the cries to ban DDT for the sake of the environment to an epidemic-level rise in world malaria.

These are today's sins of science—as deplorable as mistaken past ideas about advocating racial purity or using lobotomies as a cure for mental illness. These unwitting errors add up to seven lessons both cautionary and profound, narrated by renowned author and speaker Paul A. Offit. Offit uses these lessons to investigate how we can separate good science from bad, using some of today's most controversial creations—e-cigarettes, GMOs, drug treatments for ADHD—as case studies. For every "Aha!" moment that should have been an "Oh no," this book is an engrossing account of how science has been misused disastrously—and how we can learn to use its power for good.

Ebook Pandora Lab Seven Stories of Science Gone Wrong edition by Paul A Offit Professional Technical eBooks

"The seven stories are about:

1. Opium and opioids (“God’s Own Medicine”)
2. Oleomargarine and trans fats (“The Great Margarine Mistake”)
3. Nitrogen fertilizers and ammonium nitrate. (“Blood from Air”)
4. Eugenics (“America’s Master Race”)
5. Lobotomies (“Turning the Mind Inside Out”)
6. Rachel Carson and DDT (“The Mosquito Liberation Front”)
7. Linus Pauling and vitamin C; Peter Duesberg and AIDs; Luc Montagnier and the antibiotic “cure” for autism (“Nobel Prize Disease”)

Additionally there is an eighth chapter entitled “Learning from the Past” which is about the MMR vaccine and autism, e-cigarettes, Bisphenol A, cancer screening, and GMOs.

One of the themes in the book is the hubris of some very famous scientists who won Nobel prizes and then went on to do and/or promote some very bad science mainly because they could not admit they were wrong. But the real villain in these pages is not the science itself; it is instead the failure of people in the political arena, in the media and even in the medical and scientific journals to weigh the evidence properly thereby lending support to the bad science. Dr. Offit indicts the Environmental Protection Agency (p. 188); Time Magazine, Newsweek, the New York Times (p. 145); the Journal of the American Medical Association, the American Journal of Public Health, the New England Journal of Medicine (p. 124) and others (see page 226). Naturally these mistakes from prestigious organizations are reflective of earlier more ignorant times. Today most are much more thorough before passing judgement. However Offit warns near the end of the book that new mistakes by currently prestigious institutions will be made.

Offit, who is a doctor of medicine and a professor of pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania as well as the author of more than 160 papers in medical and scientific journals, writes in a clear and readable style that is packed with concrete detail and facts, especially historical facts, some of which are appalling and horrific.

Here are some tidbits reflective of Offit’s engaging style:

“Francis Galton, Charles Davenport, Harry Laughlin, Madison Grant, and Adolf Hitler all shared several features: All were, by their definition, Nordic; all believed that Nordics should procreate freely while non-Nordics should be prevented from procreating; and all were childless.” (p. 122)

Today’s view of lobotomies includes the comical: the “Frontal Lobotomy” is a drink made with amaretto, Chambord and pineapple juice; a joke, “I’d rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy” (from Tom Waits); and a T-shirt with a picture of George W. Bush and the words, “Ask me about my lobotomy.”

In regard to Rachel Carson and her imagined Eden-like world before pesticides, Offit quotes William Cronin: “It is not hard to reach the conclusion that the only way human beings can hope to live naturally on earth is to follow the hunter-gatherers back into a wilderness Eden and abandon virtually everything that civilization has given us.” (p. 186)

Writing about Linus Pauling and other august scientists who couldn’t bring themselves to admit they were wrong, Offit offers: “When anybody contradicted Einstein, he thought it over, and if he found he was wrong, he was delighted, because he felt he had escaped from an error.” (p. 197-198)

The essence of Offit’s argument in this book is this quote from page 212: “…all scientists—no matter how accomplished or well known—should have unassailable data to support their claims, not just a compelling personality, an impressive shelf of awards, or a poetic writing style.”

--Dennis Littrell, author of “Hard Science and the Unknowable”"

Product details

  • File Size 4287 KB
  • Print Length 277 pages
  • Publisher National Geographic; 1 edition (April 4, 2017)
  • Publication Date April 4, 2017
  • Language English

Read Pandora Lab Seven Stories of Science Gone Wrong  edition by Paul A Offit Professional Technical eBooks

Tags : Buy Pandora's Lab Seven Stories of Science Gone Wrong Read 149 Reviews - ,ebook,Paul A. Offit,Pandora's Lab Seven Stories of Science Gone Wrong,National Geographic,Health Care Issues,History,Social History,Errors, Scientific,Errors, Scientific.,Errors.,GENERAL,General Adult,HEALTH FITNESS / Health Care Issues,HISTORY / Social History,HISTORY OF SCIENCE,Health Fitness/Health Care Issues,Health Care Issues,History,MEDICAL / Histology,MEDICAL / Public Health,Medical/Public Health,Non-Fiction,SCIENCE / History,SOCIAL HISTORY,Science,Science/Math,Science/Mathematics,Science;Miscellanea.,United States,science; medicine; health care; public health; social history; heart disease; mental illness; vaccination; GMO; ADHD; opioid epidemic; DDT; Rachel Carson; antibiotics; vaccines; acid rain; autism; megavitamins; cancer-screening; chemical warfare; cholesterol; margarine; e-cigarettes; electroshock therapy; Eugenics; HIV/AIDs; IQ Tests; Ku Klux Klan; Lobotomies; Gregor Mendel; Opium; Obesity; Pesticide; Schizophrenia; Trans fats; War on drugs; opiate addiction; depression; overdose; nazi medical experiments; narcotics pain medication,science;medicine;health care;public health;social history;heart disease;mental illness;vaccination;GMO;ADHD;opioid epidemic;DDT;Rachel Carson;antibiotics;vaccines;acid rain;autism;megavitamins;cancer-screening;chemical warfare;cholesterol;margarine;e-cigarettes;electroshock therapy;Eugenics;HIV/AIDs;IQ Tests;Ku Klux Klan;Lobotomies;Gregor Mendel;Opium;Obesity;Pesticide;Schizophrenia;Trans fats;War on drugs;opiate addiction;depression;overdose;nazi medical experiments;narcotics pain medication,HEALTH FITNESS / Health Care Issues,HISTORY / Social History,Health Fitness/Health Care Issues,MEDICAL / Histology,MEDICAL / Public Health,Medical/Public Health,SCIENCE / History,History Of Science,Science,Science/Mathematics

Pandora Lab Seven Stories of Science Gone Wrong edition by Paul A Offit Professional Technical eBooks Reviews :

Pandora Lab Seven Stories of Science Gone Wrong edition by Paul A Offit Professional Technical eBooks Reviews

  • The seven stories are about

    1. Opium and opioids (“God’s Own Medicine”)
    2. Oleomargarine and trans fats (“The Great Margarine Mistake”)
    3. Nitrogen fertilizers and ammonium nitrate. (“Blood from Air”)
    4. Eugenics (“America’s Master Race”)
    5. Lobotomies (“Turning the Mind Inside Out”)
    6. Rachel Carson and DDT (“The Mosquito Liberation Front”)
    7. Linus Pauling and vitamin C; Peter Duesberg and AIDs; Luc Montagnier and the antibiotic “cure” for autism (“Nobel Prize Disease”)

    Additionally there is an eighth chapter entitled “Learning from the Past” which is about the MMR vaccine and autism, e-cigarettes, Bisphenol A, cancer screening, and GMOs.

    One of the themes in the book is the hubris of some very famous scientists who won Nobel prizes and then went on to do and/or promote some very bad science mainly because they could not admit they were wrong. But the real villain in these pages is not the science itself; it is instead the failure of people in the political arena, in the media and even in the medical and scientific journals to weigh the evidence properly thereby lending support to the bad science. Dr. Offit indicts the Environmental Protection Agency (p. 188); Time Magazine, Newsweek, the New York Times (p. 145); the Journal of the American Medical Association, the American Journal of Public Health, the New England Journal of Medicine (p. 124) and others (see page 226). Naturally these mistakes from prestigious organizations are reflective of earlier more ignorant times. Today most are much more thorough before passing judgement. However Offit warns near the end of the book that new mistakes by currently prestigious institutions will be made.

    Offit, who is a doctor of medicine and a professor of pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania as well as the author of more than 160 papers in medical and scientific journals, writes in a clear and readable style that is packed with concrete detail and facts, especially historical facts, some of which are appalling and horrific.

    Here are some tidbits reflective of Offit’s engaging style

    “Francis Galton, Charles Davenport, Harry Laughlin, Madison Grant, and Adolf Hitler all shared several features All were, by their definition, Nordic; all believed that Nordics should procreate freely while non-Nordics should be prevented from procreating; and all were childless.” (p. 122)

    Today’s view of lobotomies includes the comical the “Frontal Lobotomy” is a drink made with amaretto, Chambord and pineapple juice; a joke, “I’d rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy” (from Tom Waits); and a T-shirt with a picture of George W. Bush and the words, “Ask me about my lobotomy.”

    In regard to Rachel Carson and her imagined Eden-like world before pesticides, Offit quotes William Cronin “It is not hard to reach the conclusion that the only way human beings can hope to live naturally on earth is to follow the hunter-gatherers back into a wilderness Eden and abandon virtually everything that civilization has given us.” (p. 186)

    Writing about Linus Pauling and other august scientists who couldn’t bring themselves to admit they were wrong, Offit offers “When anybody contradicted Einstein, he thought it over, and if he found he was wrong, he was delighted, because he felt he had escaped from an error.” (p. 197-198)

    The essence of Offit’s argument in this book is this quote from page 212 “…all scientists—no matter how accomplished or well known—should have unassailable data to support their claims, not just a compelling personality, an impressive shelf of awards, or a poetic writing style.”

    --Dennis Littrell, author of “Hard Science and the Unknowable”
  • Pasteurization, antiseptics, gunpowder, paper, the screw, vaccines, the theory of evolution, the double-helix of DNA. "What are the most important things science has done for humanity" is a pretty common trope in popular science writing. Scientism is fun and pedagogical, despite the predictable hyperbole; we can't help but marvel at innovations and the science that has made them possible, even if we tend to ignore the failures that accrue along the way. But take that question, turn it on its head, and open the door to uneasiness, rancor and disappointment "What are the worst things science has ever accomplished" is a thorny question to ask it demands a type of self-awareness that rarely rises to the occasion.

    Paul Offit's answer to the question is somber, constructive, and close enough to provoke a little fear for what we are capable of doing to one another in the name of war, uncertainty, ideology, incompetence, ego and hope. Each of the seven fables of Pandora's Lab draws on a deep psychological feature, flaw, of human nature.

    The first fable shows how greed plus aversion to pain fed of each other to turn opium, that herb Sumerians called "the plant of joy", into the deadly OxyContin -a drug that draws more deaths than car accidents in the US. Offit's description of how the painkiller epidemic came to be is enraging, as it forced into alignment the worst incentives from the medical profession, pharmaceutical industry, media and regulatory agencies. The second fable adds advocacy to the mix, showing how health activism facilitated the introduction of deadly partially hydrogenated vegetable oils (trans fats) into world diet due to some well-intentioned policy that, trying to eliminate one evil, invited a worse one in. The next fable draws on the unintended consequences of new technologies, showing how synthetic fertilizers made possible the demographic explosion of world population during the XX century, but at the hefty price of environmental degradation and its inventor's dwellings into the origins of chemical warfare.

    Of all the fables in Pandora's Lab, perhaps because it resonates to current sentiments in developed countries towards migration, none is more gripping than the history of eugenics -an ideological virus that took hold of some of the brightest minds in biology, statistics and law, and through the zealotry of people like Madison Grant, lent the base for forced sterilization in the US and the horrors perpetrated by the Third Reich. Bad science can turn a political cause into an unfathomable weapon, or as Offit puts it beware the zeitgeist.

    The next three fables show how desperation for medical treatments can lead to unspeakable things being perpetrated on the weakest among us, as shown by Walter Freeman's indiscriminate applications of transorbital lobotomy, and how the radical application of the cautionary principle on DDT hampered the fight against malaria. The last fable speaks about the dangers of authority disguised as science, retelling how brilliant scientists like Linus Pauling, Peter Duesberg and Luc Montagnier lost their way and recurred to conspiracy theories to back their theories when evidence went the other way.

    In the epilogue, Offit writes "Although we hold on to the hope of a better life through science, we need to approach all scientific advances cautiously and with eyes wide open" (p. 241). All fables point to the disastrous outcomes that follow the coincidence of greed and need. The dangers of listening to the loudspeaker of ignorant activism. How the political environment that sees a new technology being born, matters. How our hope for easy solutions to complex problems is almost always misguided. Why we can't rid ourselves from the parroquialism us-vs-them. And, worse of all, how our deference to authority can turn science into the weapon of the whimsical.

    Hopefully now we’ve learned the lessons.
  • I have been reading Dr. Offit's books for years. For one thing, I'm one of the few remaining 'Rubella' babies left from the 1950's and 1960's in the US. I also went to medical school and worked on HIV encephalitis and Alzheimer's. My opinion about the idiocy of people who refuse to get vaccines is probably the same as Dr. Offit's opinion. And my exposure to research and teaching in the field of pathophysiology and physiology, have just simply whetted my appetite for good books such as Pandora's Lab.

    This book is about failures. Research or ideas that have led to catastrophes. I'm not sure I look at some of Offit's choices about which failures to publish in exactly the same way, but the book does inspire a lot of critical thinking skills, which is what a good book along this line should endeavor to do. I actually would have wished that other stories could have and would have been included. I thought it was very interesting about anti-oxidants, because I just read another journal article that demonstrates that many of these so-called antioxidants are causing cancer...and Offit wrote about this prior to current work in the area.

    Of course, my own feelings about Andrew Wakefield who did the absolute worse study (and was paid to do it from insurance companies and parents of autistic children) remains my choice for the top BOOBY prize for managing to kill more children world-wide than any other man in existence.

    This book is a good demonstration that not all science is good, or used for good. It also demonstrates that people need to choose wisely, and do their own research for jumping into medications or applications before they've been proven useful or at least not dangerous!
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